Thank You, Ryan Reynolds


It’s not often you are cinematically satisfied; the planets aligning to create a Megazord-like conversion of epic proportions is rare. You yearn for one moment of nostalgia to pacify the younger version of yourself, but such moments happen few and far between. However, occasionally, Ryan Reynolds' imagination takes hold of Tinsel Town, and for that glorious moment, all is right in the world. All the drama, confusion, and uncertainty on this blue marble don’t seem to matter as much.

“Logan” 2017, dir. James Mangold

The final chapter of Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine portrayal was set. "Logan" was a glorious ending crafted by the brilliance of James Mangold, giving us the Weapon X we all longed for, waited for, and felt we all deserved. Now sprinkle in a Knighted Patrick Stewart, a dash of violence, and a pinch of the greatest acting in Hugh Jackman’s life! Remember that scene at Professor X’s grave? Pure Cinema! And with that, you have the perfect send-off to the mutagenetic marvel that is Wolverine.

“X-men” 2000, dir. Bryan Singer

So, how does one improve upon perfection? Better yet, who in their right mind would try? Ryan BLOODY Reynolds, that’s who! The most likable guy in Hollywood is about to pull off his greatest work in an already illustrious career. This man realized there is one thing we never got and one thing us greedy nerds never experienced: Wolverine in his damn costume! You know the one from the comics. THE costume. We won’t ever get this costume; it’s been a quarter of a century; it can’t be done. Can it? Mr. Reynolds said, “Hold my Molson.” Not only will we get that, but we will also get his swan song of the Merc with a Mouth.

“Deadpool & Wolverine” 2024, dir Shawn Levy

The role he was born to play. The role he manifested. The role that has given us all unapologetic joy. This is a love letter to Van Wilder, Mr. Blake Lively, the chiseled jaw Canadian Ryan Reynolds. The most insane part of this impromptu and heartfelt letter is not one frame has been viewed by the author of this piece. Call it blind faith or misplaced hope. Call it whatever you like. Just know that when “Deadpool & Wolverine” hit the screen and those credits roll, you stand on your feet and applaud the man that brought us all to this moment, Mr. Mint Mobile himself, Ryan Rodney Reynolds.


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